Sunday, October 9, 2011

More Organizing and Rustic Looking iPhone Pictures

by Ang
Between work, classes, and other responsibilities, I’ve sort of let things slip around the house. I mean, it’s being kept clean at all (largely because of my great husband), but as far as cabinets, clutter, and keeping things organized, well, it’s slipped through the cracks. I reached my breaking point when I had 5 books on my desk and there was NO ROOM anywhere to put them.
Enter one of my favorite places: Target.

I snagged this great bookshelf/storage unit for our entryway. I had something similar there before, but it just wasn’t doing the job like it should and was a lot smaller. So I bought this for $39 on sale, and my husband put it together.

I love it because it has built in dividers, which makes categorizing our books much easier (travel, animal, reference, medical, etc.).

I got some fabric storage drawers for the bottom. As of right now, they contain books that I want to keep for sentimental reasons, but I will probably not look at very much, bookmarks, and a few other random items. This cleared up space in my husband’s office for more of his books (which were stacked on top of the bookshelves). We don’t buy books all the time, really. I have my trusty friend Nanette the Nook, and my husband has been doing a lot of reading on his iPad. However, Hastings was having a 5 for $25 on all of their used books, and Borders was going out of business (with great sales), so we ended up with a few more ‘real’ books.

I love this new unit. There is room to grow and I can move stuff around if need be. Plus, there’s more room on top for all of our family photos. I am all for better storage solutions!
On a completely unrelated note (I probably should have saved this for another post because it has NOTHING to do with organization), I downloaded an awesome camera app on my iPhone and here are some of the results:
Balloons coming towards my mother-in-law's house:
Balloon landing practically in her backyard:

My Russian nesting dolls:
Little Miss A (a long time ago!):

I love it! I only used one setting, but there any many different settings to choose from, so I’m definitely going to experiment a bit more with it.

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