Friday, April 29, 2011

The Move

By Amy

Last weekend we helped my parents move. They had been living in a apartment for a few years and decided it was time for a house. Here is the old place.

Here's the new place!

My honey and my sweet Grandma.

Me and the boy.

I think it's cute that my mom and dad are smiling the same.

Even Ginger got to come! Thanks to the fenced-in big back yard.

I took alot of "before" pictures of the place but wasn't sure if my mom would want those posted. However, I do have to show you this room.

This is a basement bedroom and it was so much like my bedroom I had growing up. Basement windows, dark paneling and fluorescent lights. I could almost smell the Aqua-Net! And hear Bon Jovi blasting out of my pastel colored button stereo.

It's a great house and I can't wait to spend more time there with the people I love.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Guess Who's Two?

By Amy

I hadn't seen Little Miss A for about a month and a half and oh my goodness has she changed! She is clearly speaking now. Not just jibberish. And she said my name SEVERAL times which made my heart sing! One of a thousand great things about having a niece is that I get to buy her toys that either A) I once had or B) I want to play with.

Remember these record players? When I was little I had one and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. It was! Although mine did not require batteries and this one does. Go figure.

Silly Face!

One thing that hasn't changed about her is her admiration for my youngest. As soon as she got to my mom and dad's she says, "Where's Micah?" She quickly found him and grabbed his hand.

Just look at the way she looks at him!

She is just waiting to do something hysterical. And he usually does.

She has brought a whole new dimension to our lives and we just couldn't live without her.

P.S. These were taken at my mom and dad's new house! I will post about the move next!

Monday, April 25, 2011

One Year!

by Ang

Sunday was our one year anniversary. It has gone so fast!

We had a very nice day together. I put all of our anniversary cards up on the mantle:

I'll leave them up for a while. I like looking at them. We got cards and gifts from friends and family - we loved them all! :)

My sister sent me this:

It's perfect - Paris and Audrey Hepburn! And Paris IS always a good idea.

My husband got me these:

It has my name on the outside cover too. I love it and have been wanting one for quite a while!

He then took me to one of the coolest restaurants I have ever been too called Vernon's Hidden Valley Steakhouse. It really is hidden. You have to have reservations and then once you actually find the place, you have to know the password (which they called and gave him the day before). So we get there, get the password, are let in and then it was like stepping into a 1920s jazz club. With a little gangster mixed in. It was VERY cool and a VERY nice restaurant. Sorry that the pictures are dark, but it was really dark in there.

This was our anniversary dessert. He's holding the candle because he snuffed out the candle with his fingers before I could take a picture. So then he lit it again with the table candle, but it wouldn't stick to the plate, so he had to hold it there:

He did good!! He always does though.

It was a great anniversary!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I am 15

By Amy

This is a actual conversation I had with my 15 year old. I was driving.

Me: (fiddling with the radio stations)

Son: "Mom, let me do just concentrate on driving and keep your eyes on the road Why does the radio have to be on everytime we are in the car?!"

Me: "Hey! I have done this before! I can drive and switch stations at the same time!"

Son: (eye roll)

Me: "Oh I love this song!" (reaching to turn it up)

Son: "Mom! Everytime you hear a song you like you don't have to turn it up! It's already loud enough!"

Me: "If you weren't in the car I would totally be rocking out to this song!" (grumpy look on my face.

This isn't even a unique conversation. My poor son always reminds me how immature I can be. I love that kid.

And speaking of driving.....we unloaded our gas hog, money draining SUV and bought this......

I admit I will miss being able to haul around everyone and their brother but this car is quite zippy. And it has a rockin' sterio. (:

Friday, April 15, 2011


by Ang

Animals are just like humans. They have little quirks and traits that make them unique. Our little (and not so little) furry family members are no exception.


*he is afraid of white garbage bags. Whenever I take one out and shake it open, he runs.

*he has a thing for credits that come on after television shows. It doesn't matter which show. Whenever they start, he runs to the TV and starts whining. We don't know why.

*he has a curtain fetish. He tries to hide in them and wear them like a cape.

*he is very protective of both of us - especially my husband.

*all of our neighbors (most are 55+) just love him to pieces.


*she has a red teddy bear that she's had since she was a kitten that she carries around the house in her mouth.

*she is very picky about her food and will only eat certain types of wet food. She refuses all dry cat treats.

*she is the only cat in the house that is obsessed with the birds and the bird feeder outside. The other cats could care less.

*she turns into a demon cat when she's at the vet and it usually takes at least 2-3 vet techs to wrangle her. It's embarrassing. I always apologize on her behalf.

*she sleeps with us every single night.

*she loves me the most.


*he loves to be petted only on the counter in the laundry room. Weird.

*he only sleeps if he can butt up against something (a pillow, our leg, a sink, etc.). He never sleeps completely flat.

*his meow does not match his body. His little meows are totally pathetic. Sometimes he'll open his mouth to meow but no sound will come out.

*he hisses at the dog at least three times a day.

*although I have raised him since he was 4 weeks old and he has spent 7 of his 8 years solely with me, he prefers my husband. Traitor!


*she likes to chew holes in socks.

*she only likes to drink her water from a cup in our bathroom.

*she sits on my husband's shoulder like a parrot when he's sitting down.

*she is the nicest cat in the house.

*she sleeps with us every single night.


*she is the first one waiting for me in the kitchen every morning when I feed them.

*she loves dry treats more than the others.

*she loves my husband the most.

*she has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen on a cat.

*she is the softest cat ever.

*she hasn't been feeling well lately but is on some meds and is on the mend.

Our house may be a zoo and it's a lot of work, but we love all of them. There is never a dull moment!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Fight Night and Family

By Amy I still don't have my computer back. So I robbed my husbands and downloaded about 500 pictures off my camera onto his. He will be so pleased! ha ha. Around 3 weeks ago I attended Fight Night in Scottsdale Arizona. It's a fundraiser for Muhammad Ali's charity towards Parkinson's. It was a amazing night. Lots of celebs. Halle Berry...who by the way is even more gorgeous in person. Is that even possible? Matchbox Twenty, Kelly Clarkson and Bret Michels were the musical guests. As well as Jackie Evancho who is only ten years old and sings opera. Tears dripped down my face when she sang "All I Ask of You" from Phantom of the Opera. It was beautiful. Other entertainers were Sinbad (who talked directly to my boss and her husband!), Reba McEntire (who stood right next to me as we washed our hands in the ladies room), Billy Crystal, Kevin Costner and the American Idol finalist. It was a amazing night. Here is me all gussied up. I don't have any pictures of any other people in my group. I didn't get their permission to post. And I don't want to get in trouble!

While we were in Scottsdale, we had a chef with us. It was almost as much fun watching him cook then eating his food. Almost. (:

It was a amazing time. Traveling with my boss is a little bit like being in fantasy land. And as much as I love my boss and being with her and seeing and experiencing new things, it's always a great feeling coming home and seeing the faces that belong to me. Last weekend I got to see this guy.

Doesn't he look so smart in his glasses? What a cutie. And I love this picture below. So candid and such sweet faces.

Why hello my beautiful niece!

I love messy little girl hair.

The three musketeers. The two on each end could totally be brothers.

I have a beautiful family. Just look at them!

I would much rather hang out with them then celebrity's any day.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Things I Love

by Ang

Gummy vitamins for adults:

Make fun all you want, but my husband and I have taken our vitamins consistently for a year now. It's easy to do when they taste like gummy bears!

Free iTunes music from Starbucks:


Soooooo funny.

Fun nail polish colors for spring:

My creepy cat:

I don't know why.

My collection of paper clip tab thingys:

I use them all the time.

And him:

Just look at that face!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Excuses Excuses

By Amy I've been a bad blogger. However I have some good excuses! Well one really. I don't have my computer. It crashed and burned so a guy that I work with is trying to fix it for me. He has had it for a week and I'm scared to ask him how much longer. No computer + no pictures = no blog. Which is a bummer because I've got some good blogging material lined up. I'm here at work sneaking in a quick blog so you know how much I care. (: