Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I am 15

By Amy

This is a actual conversation I had with my 15 year old. I was driving.

Me: (fiddling with the radio stations)

Son: "Mom, let me do just concentrate on driving and keep your eyes on the road Why does the radio have to be on everytime we are in the car?!"

Me: "Hey! I have done this before! I can drive and switch stations at the same time!"

Son: (eye roll)

Me: "Oh I love this song!" (reaching to turn it up)

Son: "Mom! Everytime you hear a song you like you don't have to turn it up! It's already loud enough!"

Me: "If you weren't in the car I would totally be rocking out to this song!" (grumpy look on my face.

This isn't even a unique conversation. My poor son always reminds me how immature I can be. I love that kid.

And speaking of driving.....we unloaded our gas hog, money draining SUV and bought this......

I admit I will miss being able to haul around everyone and their brother but this car is quite zippy. And it has a rockin' sterio. (:

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