Monday, April 25, 2011

One Year!

by Ang

Sunday was our one year anniversary. It has gone so fast!

We had a very nice day together. I put all of our anniversary cards up on the mantle:

I'll leave them up for a while. I like looking at them. We got cards and gifts from friends and family - we loved them all! :)

My sister sent me this:

It's perfect - Paris and Audrey Hepburn! And Paris IS always a good idea.

My husband got me these:

It has my name on the outside cover too. I love it and have been wanting one for quite a while!

He then took me to one of the coolest restaurants I have ever been too called Vernon's Hidden Valley Steakhouse. It really is hidden. You have to have reservations and then once you actually find the place, you have to know the password (which they called and gave him the day before). So we get there, get the password, are let in and then it was like stepping into a 1920s jazz club. With a little gangster mixed in. It was VERY cool and a VERY nice restaurant. Sorry that the pictures are dark, but it was really dark in there.

This was our anniversary dessert. He's holding the candle because he snuffed out the candle with his fingers before I could take a picture. So then he lit it again with the table candle, but it wouldn't stick to the plate, so he had to hold it there:

He did good!! He always does though.

It was a great anniversary!

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