Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Guess Who's Two?

By Amy

I hadn't seen Little Miss A for about a month and a half and oh my goodness has she changed! She is clearly speaking now. Not just jibberish. And she said my name SEVERAL times which made my heart sing! One of a thousand great things about having a niece is that I get to buy her toys that either A) I once had or B) I want to play with.

Remember these record players? When I was little I had one and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. It was! Although mine did not require batteries and this one does. Go figure.

Silly Face!

One thing that hasn't changed about her is her admiration for my youngest. As soon as she got to my mom and dad's she says, "Where's Micah?" She quickly found him and grabbed his hand.

Just look at the way she looks at him!

She is just waiting to do something hysterical. And he usually does.

She has brought a whole new dimension to our lives and we just couldn't live without her.

P.S. These were taken at my mom and dad's new house! I will post about the move next!

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