Friday, January 13, 2012


*I started school January 9th. I am taking Biology on Monday and Wednesday nights from 4:30 – 5:45. I really, really like my instructor, but the class is super hard. I am sooooooo not a science person. I liked chemistry in high school, but that was years ago! I have forgotten everything. And I’m sitting in a classroom where I would say 75% of the students have just graduated high school. So they are blurting out answers left and right and I’m just sitting there with my open book and open notebook hoping the teacher doesn’t make eye contact with me.  I did get some cheat sheets to help refresh my memory on a few things. Such as classification and the kingdoms. Oh, and we are discussing a lot of chemistry in this class too, so I got a periodic table to refresh my memory.

My instructor is a big fan of pneumonic devices (I think that’s what they’re called). Such as King Phillip Cried Out For Goodness Sakes.....or in other words....Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.

And C. Hopkins CaFe:  Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iodine, Nitrogen, Sulfur, Calcium, Iron.  (the elements we will be discussing the most, apparently).

I’m also taking a Business Interpersonal Relations Class, but that one is online. So far, so good.

*Hannah is doing well. She sleeps all night. We put her to bed between 9:00 – 9:30 and she sleeps straight through until 6:00 a.m. She hasn’t made a mess in her playpen overnight in probably two weeks! She still has accidents inside during the day every now and then, but if we watch her carefully we can avoid most of them. We had to get a baby gate for our bedroom because one of her favorite spots was the rug in there. But now all is well! And the cats have all figured out that they can jump the gate to get in there (it took Howie the longest to figure it out and he would just sit outside the gate and cry. But now he’s a pro.) We only keep it up during the day. We also got her a new harness (which I call her jacket). It doesn’t have to go over her head, so taking it on and off of her is a breeze! She doesn’t mind it at all.

*I can’t believe my nephew is 16. (see above). He drove us around when we were in Nebraska. That’s nuts!!

*I recently cleaned up my desk area. I won’t post pictures, but before I cleaned it, here’s a few random things I found on it:  3 empty DVD cases, 2 empty blu ray cases, Max's vet bill from when he got his teeth cleaned, a half finished scarf that I'm knitting, a note from the yacht we were in in Alaska that was included with the smoked salmon they sent, 3 empty binders, a vanilla scented air freshener for my car, tweezers, lipstick. 

I don't know how these things end up on my desk, but they do.
It looks MUCH better now. I can actually do my homework on it!

*And….I’ve saved the best for last. In less than two weeks, us four musketeers will be reunited:

I am incredibly excited! They are flying to Arizona and I am driving to meet them there. We will have 3 full days of sunshine, shopping, swimming, eating, and girl time! All while staying in VERY nice accommodations.

Besides spending time with them, the thing I’m most excited about is IKEA. :D The last time I went to IKEA was in San Diego, and I couldn’t really get anything because we flew. But this time…..well, this time I have my car! And it can hold a lot. I should start a list. I’ve already downloaded the 2012 catalog to my iPhone. Good times!

And just for kicks, here's a video I took of Howie getting into the cat treat jar.  We accidentlly left the lid off and this is what we found him doing:

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