Friday, June 25, 2010

Garden Envy

By Amy

This is my beautiful sister-in-law.

And this is her garden.

Isn't it pretty?

Here is my garden.

You almost can't tell the difference can you? Ha ha. Let's compare. Her garden......

Beautiful. Organized. Weedless. She has corn, herbs, peppers, green onions, lettuce and more. In about a month there will be gorgeous sunflowers in the back. And the marigolds are to keep the rabbits away. I almost laid down in the dirt and made a dirt angel it was so pretty.

Here is my garden. Let's have a closer look. Here is some squash. I'm not sure if it's zucchini or yellow squash. I planted both but not in a organized manner. I'm sure you have noticed the grass in the background. I should probably do something about that.

I'm not sure exactly what this is. Is it a weed? A plant? I'm afraid to pull it just in case.

Something is eating my eggplant. At least I think it's eggplant.

There are some positives in this mess. Here is a pepper plant. It's flowering! (that's a good thing right?)

See the little tomato? So there is hope.

I have gotten great advice from my dad. He has worked on alot of farms and we had a garden almost every year when I was growing up. Here is a picture of my dad and his sister on my great-grandparents farm.

I love this picture. It represents so many things that I love. My aunt, my dad, the country, and simpler times.
I hope my sis-in-law sends me pictures of her garden so that I can show you how full and beautiful hers will be. I won't be jealous. Really I won't! Last year she had a gorgeous garden. But then it hailed. BUCKETS of hail. Her garden was smashed and pitted and destroyed. I almost cried when I saw the pictures. So she deserves a big, full beautiful garden.
My garden will not be beautiful. But hopefully it will be full and productive. Maybe next year I will strive for a garden more like sis-in-law's. I'm learning alot. Learning how to grow things. Learning that I LIKE growing things. And learning not be jealous of people whose gardens are much better then mine. (:

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