Monday, July 12, 2010


by Ang
Last year when we were in Paris, I picked up lots of postcards, cards, stationary, etc. Paris is known for it's beautiful paper, and it did not disappoint.
I came home with a stack like this: (it's bigger than it looks)

All this time they have been stored safely in a large envelope. But lately I've been missing Paris. I miss my sister and I miss Megan, and when I think of the three of us together, I think of Paris. So I thought it was about time I displayed some of my beautiful treasures.

One of my favorites was a no brainer as far as what to do with it.

It says 'Pour toi, douceur et detente', which translates to 'For you, softness and relaxation'. I framed it and put it in our guest bathroom. The colors matched perfectly. And our guest bathroom is our only bathroom with a tub, so I actually use it occasionally when I feel the need for a bubble bath!

I then divided the rest into color and black and white. I wasn't quite sure what to do with the color ones that I had. So I picked out 2 of my favorite color cards and took them to work today:
Side note: See the rose? My husband snipped it this morning from our backyard and put it in my lunch that he packed for me. Isn't he sweet???

So then I was left with my black and whites.

I had probably 15. I picked out my 6 favorites and wanted to frame them. Off to Target we went. Hubby picked out the frame, and this is how it turned out:

It's hard to tell in the picture, but it has a 3D effect. It looks much better in person. I love it!

Here's a few close ups of my favorites....

Women. Leisurely talking at a Parisian cafe. Just like we did!

And this one...the Eiffel Tower in progress...

And this one...little kids which I can only assume are on a field trip. It's adorable!

I still have a few that I'm not done with. Like this one, which is my absolute favorite:

I'm going to find a pretty frame and put it on my desk here at home.

And these, which I think will go in our bedroom eventually:

And I STILL have some left. But I'm just going to slip those inside my Paris scrapbook. I don't want our house to be totally overwhelmed by Paris memorabilia. My husband and I plan to travel a lot, so I have to leave room for mementos from our other adventures! (we're hoping Ireland is next!)
It's nice to look at these little touches I have around the house and be reminded of Paris. But more importantly, to be reminded of Amy and Megan and the amazingly indescribable time we had together. I miss them so much!

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