Monday, February 21, 2011

She said, "AMY!" and other matters

By Amy

I've been a little busy. But I thought I would share a few pictures. And then return to my busy-ness. (: Meaning you may not hear from me again this week. Maybe. Just trying to get caught up on some stuff.

This week the little miss came to see me! And she said my name! Without prompting or bribing! She was in the living room and I was in the kitchen and she needed some help. "Amy!" "Amy!" Clear as a bell. I fainted. Not really but I did tear up. (:

Guess who wins the "Cutest Little Pony Tail" award?

And who has the cutest nieces in the world? That would be ME.

Poor Ginger. She can't be around the little kids yet because she is still a bit to hyper. She has a hard time controlling herself because she gets so excited! But that doesn't mean she is neglected.

Just look at Ginger's face. Totally loving it.

In other news...still cooking. Made this.

But I modified it. I cut up the lamb and made gyros instead. My sous chef put oil on the pitas.

Just a FYI. I buy flowers for myself every week. Have I told you this before? I get them at the grocery store for five dollars or less. The other week Hy-Vee had flower bouquets for just 1.67. Score! I pick them apart and put a arrangement on the table and a tiny one in my bedroom. They make me happy.

I was going through my pictures and decided I didn't have enough of my 15 year old.

I guess there is a reason for this.

Oh I also made the Red Velvet Cupcakes out of my cookbook. They were a bit dry. But I think that's because I cooked them to long. It didn't stop me from eating two though. Ok, it was three.

That's it for now. I am buried. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm taking a few days off this week and next to get caught up on stuff around here. I'm not expecting miracles. Actually I am. I would love to get all my closets cleaned out, my photos organized, a budget planned, meals planned, party decorations made, desk organized and my house spring cleaned. That's not asking to much is it? (:

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