Sunday, July 3, 2011

Blue Girls and Blue Ice Cream Cones

By Ang
This past weekend, my husband and I attended the Albuquerque Comic Expo.  He wanted to go so he could find some rare Daredevil comic books (he’s been collecting them).  And I wanted to go…well, to people watch.  I was not disappointed.

I was too shy to ask people flat out if I could take their picture, so all of my pictures are kind of from a distance and they have a bunch of other people in them.  J 

Here’s the blue girl from the new x-men movie.


These little things from Star Wars (Jawa’s?  Java’s?)  Sorry, I don’t know what anything is called.  My husband does and I’m sure he’ll laugh at my descriptions later.

Storm Troopers:

Stan Lee (the Marvel comics creator):

Spiderman asking Stan Lee a question:

The Batmobile from the tv show from the 60’s (I think):

I’m not sure what this thing was, but the wings were gigantic:

Levar Burton.  I’m not sure what he was in, but he was one of the celebrities:

I am probably the worst person to be blogging about these things – I know nothing!

My husband scored big time.  He got the 2nd issue of Daredevil, and some other older back issues:

He also bought two prints to frame and hang in his office:

He got some Star Wars people.  I won’t even try to describe them because judging from my descriptions above, I won’t get it right. 

But look at how creepy they are!  They came with extra body parts, like hands.

He needs a manicure:

All in all, it was a really fun day.  I enjoyed looking at all of the freaks (I mean, interesting people) and it was fun seeing all of the artists and vendors there.

To top of the weekend, on Sunday we went to the park to an ice cream social with some people from our hall.

Check it out – blue ice cream cones!  I must be living under a rock, because I have never seen blue ice cream cones before.  Isn’t she cute?

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