Saturday, November 12, 2011

House Update

Here is the living room.  The curtains are actually more blue-gray.  Not sure why they look purple.  I like our living room.  I love the rug and I love the floor. 

 Things I want to change:  the lamps.  They don't match.  Not that I want matching lamps.  But these REALLY don't match.  One is really....heavy looking and the other one looks like you could blow it over.  We also don't have any pictures up. 

I love our bedroom color and our furniture.  It's so light and airy in there even though the furniture is dark and heavy.  I love my puke green bedspread and my pillows. 

Things I want to change:  Again...the lamps.  Also we need to put pictures up. 

 We bought a oval rug for the dining room.  I really like it.  But our table is round.  So it looks a little funny.  And since we had to center the table on the rug...the light fixture is off.  I do love my fork and spoon.  They are chalk boards.
Things I want to change: Eventually we want to get a bigger table.  A oval one.  But in the meantime, hubby is going to move the light fixture.  He says it's "no big deal."

 The kitchen is a work in progress.  Keith popped the tile off and is smoothing the walls as I type this.  Hope to report more on this soon!

The boys room are finished.  But they are messy and they probably wouldn't appreciate it if I blogged about it.  The bathrooms are the same.  Have I shown you my tiny pink bathroom.  I'm learning to love it.  Although Keith has huge plans to make it bigger and better.  But we have to wait for the money tree to grow first.  Ha ha. The basement looks the same, except that it is full of furniture now.  Our desks, exercise equipment, a couch and a tv.  We spend alot of time down there and it's cozy.  I'll take some pictures of that once I get it cleaned up.  It's a mess right now.  I have a couple extra kids over and they are living down there.  All in all, I like my house.  It's getting more and more comfortable and I look forward to coming home. 

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