Monday, February 13, 2012


by Ang

Long time no blog!  I don't want this post to be just riddled with my excuses for not blogging, but I do have really good ones.

My husband got a job outside of the home.  He used to work for himself out of our home, but now he's working for a firm.  Which is great!  It's a lot less stress on him, which is wonderful.  However, I don't think I realized how much I had gotten used to his flexible schedule.  And how much he did around the house during the day.  So it's been a bit of an adjustment.  But we're getting our routines down!

So because he's not working from home anymore, we're transforming his old office into 'our' office.  We moved out one of the big desks and I moved in a couple more bookshelves.  It's not quite done yet, but we worked on it over the weekend.  Right now it's just a bunch of mixed bookshelves and cabinets, but that's okay.  Eventually I'd like to get a small sofa bed for in there for guests.

School is keeping me busy too, even though I dropped one of my classes.  But the other one is still a bit time consuming.

And lastly, I've been sick.  I have a sinus infection that won't seem to go away, and I had a stomach bug today that kept me home from work.

So there are my excuses.  :) 

Because it feels weird to blog without pictures, here's some random ones:

Puppies watching TV:

And now posing for the camera:

They're awfully cute.

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