Sunday, February 19, 2012

My new toy

By Amy

I used to scoff at people who had one of those phones with a touch screen.  I always thought that they thought they were much cooler then me because of my small little slider with a keyboard.  I loved my keyboard!   I loved my phone! They could have there Angry Bird app and Internet access and instant weather updates!  Except...their phones had a really neat camera one it.  One that took really good pictures and received really good pictures too.  Not only that but there was apps to make really good pictures even better.  I was jealous.  I caved.  And I'm addicted.   My sister is such a dork because she actually named her iPhone.  I'm not that crazy.  Here is why I love it.  I took this at work.

I realize this may need some explanation.  I try to change the toilet paper rolls before the boss has too.  So I take the half used rolls and put them under the sink in the bathroom that I use and I use them up.  My co-worker doesn't do this.  She likes to make a tower on the exsisting roll which is dangerous because they usually tumble off and sometimes lands in the toilet.  She thinks it's funny.  The other day I walked in the bathroom and saw this.  My point is...If I didn't have my else would this memory be captured?

Another great thing is that now I am able to receive clear pictures and then share them with you!  Like this one!

 I took this one as I was running late and walking out the door.  I never would have had time to run back to my room, grab my camera and adjust the settings.  How could I not take a picture of this?

 "Have a nice day yall!"  Haha!  Are we country or what?

Here's another one at work.  I thought it was pretty.

 And here is a moment that I had to capture here and now because in about 5 seconds this room could be a disaster again.

So I am in love.  I think I shall call her Izzy.  (:

On a completely different note...please meet the newest addition to our family.

He was born in 1986.  His name is Chevy Scottsdale and it cost 1,300.00.  I'm sure the neighbors are so proud to stare at this beast in our driveway.  The poor thing is in bad shape.  Rusted out, cracked windows and oil drips.  It's a truck only a  16 year old son could love.   And love it he does. 

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