Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Stinky Snow

by Ang

I am not a fan of winter. Or snow. Or ice. I'm not one of these people that thinks 'oh, but it's so pretty...I love just watching it snow and seeing everything covered in a sheet of white'. NO. No, no, no. Not even when I can stay inside. Today I left work at lunch and I got stuck 4 times between work and home. And I only live 6 blocks away. The plows haven't come out yet, and I just heard on the news that it could be DAYS before they even get to the side streets.
I mean, look at this poor tree:

It's buried.

As are most cars.

And the stairs to my building. (not the stairs that you can actually SEE in the picture, but the ones leading up to those stairs. You can't see them because they're covered in SNOW).

Normally, this wouldn't bother me, but since I couldn't make it up the driveway because of the SNOW, I had to park in the street. And if the snow plow comes between now and tomorrow morning, I'll get to spend my morning shoveling out my car. Yippie! Oh, and did I mention that it's only supposed to be 6 degrees tomorrow morning? I can't wait!!!

Yes, I'm being complainy (which is not a word) and negative and sarcastic. I'm only a little sorry. But I figured that those of you weirdos that LOVE snow would at least enjoy the pictures. :)

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