Friday, January 8, 2010

Back to Blogging

By Amy

It's been about a week since my last post and I have missed it! But the break was nice to because I was just to busy. Alot has been going on! My in-laws brought the boys home!

My mom-in-law isn't crying here. Or maybe she is? She spills alot of tears and laughs alot of laughs. Sometimes both at the same time!

I was so happy to see my kids. I think they both grew while they were away. They had such a good time. May I just say that I have the best in-laws in the world? Grandma and Grandpa really showed the boys a great time and I'm sure they were exhausted but they never complained. They are so generous of their time and energy, not to mention their money with two extra mouths to feed-- one of which is a teenager. They are in a Sign Language group up in Canada and my boys learned so much while they were there! They also acquired a love for the "Mr Bean" shows. My youngest son can do a resemblence of him that is both hilarious and disturbing at the same time.
A few days after they got back we had more family come in. My my sis-in-law, her hubby and my nephew. He has the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen plus the cutest personality this side of.....the Pacific. Or Atlantic. Or whatever.

Here we are playing Apples to Apples. Those are not all my drinks.

I will say though that my father-in-law is the official bartender in the family. He can make a mean drink and he can make a beautiful one. I prefer the beautiful foo-foo drinks. Like these.

For a whole week we stayed up way to late and slept in way to long. It was wonderful.

Besides all that I'm sure you have already read the post below mine! Exciting stuff! We got to spend alot of time with Ang's beau and I must say that we like him. We like him alot. And he's a Husker fan even though he lives in New Mexico so he's pretty much a shoo -in for the family.

So that is what I have been up to in my blogging absence. Cooking for 10-30 people on various days, working, cleaning, loving on my missed boys, laundry, and soaking up some awesome family. Good times.

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