Friday, January 15, 2010

I tried on a swimsuit yesterday.....

By Amy

It was very very disappointing. Remember my challenge a few months ago? Where I told the world (5 people) that I was going to lose weight and get fit and I gave myself a deadline and I even posted my weight (136). Well I will tell you that the number is EXACTLY the same. I was going to dedicate a entire post about what happened and all my excuses and how disappointed I am in myself, but in light of all the tragic events that are going on in the world, I started feeling really petty and self-absorbed. So what if I have a muffin and a top? I have a warm home that hasn't been shaken to the ground. And oh ya my legs are a little on the flabby side. I've got all members of my family with me right now. Alive. So that is that. No more whining about it ok?

You may be wondering what in the world I was doing trying on a swimsuit in the middle of January. Any sane person would not be doing this. I was forced though because I will be WEARING one in THREE WEEKS. Not anywhere around here silly! I'm going to be in COSTA RICA! So if I would have stuck with my challenge I would feel alot better being half naked in front of people. Unfortunately my very white, slightly chubby body will just have to do.

Because I can't post with out a picture, here is one. I get to take him with me on this trip. (:


  1. Thanks for the sweet "crochet lesson". Much better than I would have done. But... what's up with those sour faces of mine????

  2. I never choose to look for a swimsuit. My favorite one has a hole in the knee and can't seem to find another one like it!

  3. What a "sweet thang" just like your mom! I'm sure you'll look fine and dandy in any swimsuit and besides, those with you what can they say?, because if not for you they would not be there!

  4. I love all the pictures-especially the one with Darren holding Micah upside down. But my favorite? The one of you and Keith. He looks so happy to be loved by you! (And does he know his picture is on your blog?)
