The cake....was beautiful. And delicious!
You didn't really think I would have a Orange photography post without oranges did you? Check out the texture on that skin! Beautiful!
Whose hungry! Ha Ha. I love the detail on Mr Weight Watcher's ratty fur.
This one is kind of dumb and silly and I almost didn't post it.
This one is Ok. It has to many shadow's. Could have been better.
Hello Febreeze bottle! I see you in the mirror! If you look closely you can see the dust on the top. Embarassing but sharp photo skills!
This one may be my favorite. I realize it's a silk flower and that's kind of tacky. But it's still really pretty and I love the way the berry thing pops out at you. The lighting is perfect.
I must have taken 25 shots of these books. And I never really got anything that I liked. Obviously I wanted the focus on the top orange book but I wanted the other books in the picture somehow too. Could have been better. Somehow.
I really like this one too. Maybe cuz I just like the picture. It's in French!
So there you have it. Orange. Next up is yellow. Which I'm not looking forward to. Yellow is just......yellow. So we'll see how it goes. And on another note have you noticed our blog counter at the bottom of the page. Almost 10,000 hits!!! Wow. Who is reading this little blog? Well, I do know that someone who I will just refer to as...."M" probably checks the blog a few times a day to see if we have posted. So about 5,000 of those hits are hers. And you know who you are!!!! (: Anyway, I just want to say thanks for reading everybody. Have a good weekend and see you on Monday.