Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Bomb Diggity

By Amy

Do you know what it feels like when you have childhood friends who have grown into beautiful strong women and when you get together it's like you are still next door neighbors and time and distance just never happened? And as a bonus you can be your total immature self and say and do whatever you want with out being judged or marked as crazy. Have you ever laughed so hard your gut hurts and days later when you are in the shower you think about something that was said and you start laughing hysterically and your husband gives you that strange look. And you try to explain it to him and realize it wasn't the words that were said that were funny, it was how it was said and just the whole atmosphere around it that made it memorable. That's how my weekend was.
Me and the hostess.

The three sisters

The other girl in the group

Someone suggested that we do this annually. Yes please!!!

**WORD: Bomb Diggity
MEANING: used to describe something that is ultra cool, out of this world, help me lord i'm in paradise now. Used multiple times by one of our members but I'm not saying who.

***Ok you talked me into it. Our hostess with the mostess.

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