Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What I Did Today

By Amy

Because I know you are just dying to know. ha ha. I have one day off during the week. I love my day off. It's my saving grace. I usually do one of two things. Sometimes I take almost the whole day and run errands. Walmart, dry cleaners, Trader Joes, the book store and so on. It usually takes me most of the day. I like to take my time. And that is mostly because my house is a disaster and I don't want to be home. I refuse to clean on my day off. I clean for a living! I'll pick up and do laundry but I refuse to clean. It's to depressing. Today however the house was in fairly good shape so I stayed home. I have a couple of extra dogs this week.

They are waiting for snacks. Usually the little dogs hate my big goofy Ginger. But when snacks are involved they are willing to breathe the same air as her. But you can still see the distance can't you? So alot of my day was spent caring for them. I did do some laundry. Always laundry.
Do you have a decorative item that has been around for so long that you don't really even see it anymore? This assortment has been around so long I think it came with the house. I forgot about it.

I was asking my friend Meg for some ideas on how to improve my kitchen without doing a total make-over. She gave me some tips and then she said, "And those vegetables you have? They have got to go." I was like, "What vegetables?"
But instead of getting rid of them, what if I improved them somehow. Say with some glossy spray paint?

And then paint the platter a color that pops.

Would that be ok Meg? She said she will have to see it. I'll show you the finished project after it's dry. About this time I start thinking about what's for dinner.

That is one hot mess. I should probably clean that out. Or at least organize it. I didn't find anything worthy in there but I did have some leftover steak in the freezer. Plus some frozen tortillas and peppers. Un-thaw it all and BAM! FAJITAS! I went into the guest/excersise/family/craft room to start another project.

Inside this closet is some party stuff for the Pioneer Appreciation Dinner. I cleaned out the closet so I would have space to store some decor. I made the centerpieces.

I figured out that these cost me about a dollar a piece. Not bad. It's now about 4:00 and my crew is starting to trickle in. The fajitas were so-so. No one had seconds and a few didn't finish firsts. The boys have colds an so does the husband. I made sure all were comfortable and left them at home. At a coffee shop now enjoying my large Mocha and waiting for Meg. We are going to solve the world's problems, plan out the rest of our lives and see if she approves of my vegetables.
Before I is one last picture. It's to cute not to post.

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