Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Desert

by Ang

A good portion of New Mexico is considered the desert. Including where we live. But it doesn't always LOOK like the desert, because it's populated, there's houses and buildings and get the picture.

However, this past weekend, we went to THE DESERT. My cousin and his wife (from Bethel) were here giving a talk in a small town about 3 hours south of here called Tularosa. Since they were so close, we decided to meet up with them.

Here is what our drive looked like:
A whole lot of desert. And not much else.

We seen a dirt devil on the way home. I've seen many of the 'mini' dirt devils here in the big city, but I've never seen one this big!

More of....nothing.

The scenery changed a little bit as we got closer to home. Mountains! (Look at all the dead bugs on our windsheild. Gross!)

It was a nice weekend. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask permission to post pictures of my family, so I won't do that here. We had a great time though. We ate lunch at this wonderful little restaurant in the middle of a pecan grove called 'The Nut House'. We ate, talked, and did plenty of laughing. My family is pretty great!

1 comment:

  1. A trip through the badlands of New Mexico! Think of how that trip would have been in 1912 (the year NM became a real bonnefied (is that how you spell that(are parenthesis within parenthesis legal?)?)state). Loving the pictures!

    By the way, Amy, both Angie and I want you to get a Nook Color! I just got mine and it is awesome!! You will love it!!! (3 exclamation points for emphasis)
