Sunday, May 15, 2011

Summer: A Lot to Look Forward To

by Ang

It feels like summer, even though it's spring. I think the major reason is because I finished with my class. School's out! And that means summer....usually.

I am proud of myself for finishing with an A in my class. I am taking the summer off from classes. I'll start back up in September.

And it just looks and feels like summer. Our flowers are blooming:

I made sun tea today (if that's not a summer like thing to do, then I don't know what is):

And in less than a month, we are taking our first 'summer' vacation. We're going to Sitka, Alaska, where we get to spend an entire week with my family!!

Here are some pictures from a book which I bought the last time I was there: The pictures in the book don't do it justice obviously, but you get the main idea. It's beautiful. It's the 2nd most beautiful place I've ever been. It was first on the list, until we went to Hawaii, then it got bumped to number two. I can't wait!

There's so many other exciting things happening this summer too:

June: Alaska & possibly a shopping trip to Phoenix with my mother-in-law

July: District Convention

August: My sister and her family are coming to Albuquerque for a whole week and we are taking a side trip while they're here to the Grand Canyon.

I love summer!

1 comment:

  1. I am just soooo jealous about Alaska!! I'm gonna get up there someday!
