Sunday, May 1, 2011

Santa Rosa

by Ang

This weekend we went to Santa Rosa. My husband has been taking scuba diving classes, and the final test for certification is in Santa Rosa, NM. There is a natural spring there that is a hot scuba diving spot. It's about an hour and a half east of Albuquerque. So, Friday after work, we were off!

Am I back in Nebraska?

It's pretty flat east of here.

Santa Rosa is a tiny town, so there's not much to do besides scuba dive! I came armed with loads to do though. I brought movies, my pictures, snacks, paperwork and more. In going through my pictures, I came across some of my favorites.

Me and my nephew Micah:

Me, my sister and my sister-in-law having some fun at the Mall of America:

My nephew (who is now 15!) in upstate New York:

My sweet aunt and my Grandma:

It was nice to reminisce and get my pictures in order. I got a lot done!

On the way home, it was snowing! But the skies cleared up as we got closer to ABQ:

So it was a fun, unusual weekend! My husband became a certified scuba diver on May 1st while it was snowing and 38 degrees!!!

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