Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Losing It (part one)

By Amy

I've lost a few pounds. Eighteen to be exact but who is counting? Haha! You know we all count. When people ask how I did it, I'm not sure what to say. I'm a Weight Watcher's member so I usually just tell them that. I did go in every week to weigh in. But I didn't count my points or journal my food intake.

I think I'm reluctant to tell people how I did it because it's not healthy. First I stopped eating breakfast. That is a huge no-no as we all know. Then I started cutting all my meals in half. Half a banana, half a granola bar, 3 chicken nuggets instead of 6. You get the idea. I ate very little. The problem is when your calorie intake is so low you have no energy to exercise. Or do much else for that matter. The weight came off but it left me with a flabby, loose skinned body.

So I started taking Ginger for a two mile walk everyday. When I couldn't do that I would run/walk on the treadmill. Some days I would do a video. I'm not going to bore you with my whole routine. I keep hearing that exercise can become addictive. That hasn't happened yet. I hate it. It's time consuming and it hurts.

If I didn't have music I couldn't do it. I have to have it pumping in my ears to distract me from what I'm doing. I've got U2 promising me a Beautiful Day. A little Flo Rida because the Club Can't Handle Me Right Now! haha! Some G&R's Paradise City, which makes me think of the beach, which makes me think of me in a swim suit, which makes me push harder. There's Rihanna crying and burning and me picturing Eminem with his face just out of reach so I can give him a good shove. And there is P!nk. Who tells me I'm perfect. Despite the voices in my head. Those voices are loud and annoying. More on that later....


  1. Good going!! I would rather have a little loose skin that all of this fat I have on me now! Here's to you (hefting my big 100 oz. mug up in salute) in your new body image!

    By the way, I would do more than just shove Eminem...LOL, he bugs me.


  2. BTW, that 100 oz. mug was filled with water. Yeah, that's it...WATER!
