Wednesday, July 22, 2009


by Ang

Here is a picture of my dear Aunt when she was younger, twirling her fire baton.

She was so beautiful - inside and out.

I've been having a rough week, for obvious reasons. It comes in waves - sometimes I think I'm okay and then all of the sudden I'll start thinking about the wonderful person that we lost so suddenly and I just lose it. We were close. She was there for me and always knew what to say and when to say it. I remember when I was going through my divorce and she told me in her calming voice that I WOULD survive this and make it through and come out stronger than ever. On the day my divorce was final, she called me to say congratulations. :) She had made a note of the day and was thinking about me, of course. That's just who she was. She was one of the few genuinely kind people that I knew. Everyone that knew her just loved her. I always felt so privileged that she was MY aunt.

Amy posted a similar picture like this, but I took one too and just love it so much. The evening after my Aunt's memorial service, the family all went to Imperial Beach (the southernmost beach in California - you can see Mexico from it) to watch the sunset. Just last year, Amy and I came here with our Aunt and Uncle to watch the wind surfers.

And here's a few shots of Point Loma (the southwestern most point of the United States):

San Diego won't be the same without her.

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