Friday, May 15, 2009

Field Trip

By Amy

When we were in Paris, everywhere we went we saw school kids on field trips. Think of it though...if they are studying Egyptian artifacts....hey! let's go to the Louvre! Or if the subject is Napoleon Bonaparte....let's trace his path through Paris and even see where he is buried! So much history and art in Paris that everyday could have been a field trip. Here in the midwest.....not so much. In fact even when it is time for a field trip, there is only a couple of choices. So with school winding down it's that time of year. I have Wednesday's off so when the field trip to the zoo was scheduled on a Wednesday, I had no choice but to volunteer. I think I was assigned the three most hyper kids in the whole class. Mine included. It rained on and off but over all it was a really fun day!

My little group

At the zoo you are guarenteed to see something ugly....

And something beautiful.....

And three crazy monkey's....

Oh wait, that was just on Wednesday. (:

1 comment:

  1. I have experienced the "Wonder of Darren". WE have a huge entertainment center. I thought it would go out of the house broken an unsalvageable. Darren has been trained by the best. I had to go to the store for boxes and left him to take the entertainment center apart. WHen I got home it was in perfect pieces on the porch. I was totally impressed!
