Friday, May 22, 2009

It's Official

By Amy

School is out. Summer has begun. Well, not 'officially' but in my book summer has begun. When I dropped the kids off, I could feel the excitement from the students and the teachers. I remember my last days of school and how we would count down the seconds and when the final bell rang we would scream "ya!" and run out in the hall and hug our friends because it would be a longggg three months before we saw each other again. I would walk home and hope I didnt' get sprayed with shaving cream or some other kind of prank. And then I would go home and plop on my bed and read over my year book and all the thought provoking comments people wrote like....'have a great summer!!' I'm glad school is a part of my wayyyyy distant past but it sure would be nice to have summer off again. I'm excited for my boys. So tonight I decided to throw a last minute end-of-the-school-year party. Nothing fancy, in fact all the decorations was stuff that I already had. Wednesday I went to a couple places and bought some stuff they can do during the summer so when they say 'I'm bored' I'll have some ideas. We had hamburgers and hotdogs and ice cream with all the toppings.

The boys were surprised and I think they had a really good time. It was a beautiful night and a great start to summer. I hope I'm this postive after a few weeks. Hopefully they will still be smiling. And not killing each other.

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