Friday, May 29, 2009

Free At Last!

By Amy

I love these guys, I really do. I know that I complain about them driving me crazy. Because sometimes they do. But I really do love them. They make me laugh and they make my heart swell sometimes. However that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy a break once in awhile. Tonight I dropped them off at my mom and dad's for the weekend. I was feeling pretty giddy all the way home thinking about all the stuff I can get done without them here. Here's my list so far:

1. Scrub the floors (easier without boys running in and out tracking in grass and mud)

2. Finish up my Paris scrapbook (only four more layouts to go!)

3. Try to look beautiful for the husband (he has been out of town and deserves something nice to look at)

4. Get some menu's ready for this week (I have been so lazy with the cooking thing lately)

5. Try to find some metal things to put around my tomato plants (not sure what they are called but you all know what I mean)

6. Clean out closet (on-going process)

There is loads more but I'm trying to be realistic here. I'll give you a update on Monday. Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Love the family comments, Amy! You are the sweetest! We love you and your family too!

    Cheri (Mom-Gma Cheri)
