Sunday, June 21, 2009

Just Me and My Honey

By Amy

My anniversary is coming up. Sixteen years. Wow. In two years I will have been married longer then I was single. Very strange. Anyway, we are always at my parents house around our anniversary so we decided to have my sis watch the kids Friday night and Saturday so we could have some time together a few weeks before our actual anniversary. We aren't really big on getting each other gifts. In fact, we have been known to even forget a card. Pathetic I know. So I was shocked when my husband surprise me with these.

Sixteen roses.

Friday night we went to a Mexican place. My favorite food. I stuffed myself. Saturday morning we went to the Farmers Market downtown. A very fun place to try out my new camera. I had my ISO kicked up wayyy to high so most of my pictures are very bright. I'm still fiddling with the features.

I took this shot as we were walking back to our car. I really like it.

We went to lunch at a place called O's. Soooo good. After lunch we went to the mall for a couple of hours and then picked up the kids. It was really nice to spend some time with him. Life is so busy and we get so tired......we sometimes forget each other, if that makes any since. He still cracks me up after all these years. And I still think he's pretty cute. (:

1 comment:

  1. That guy! Always great! Love you both.
    (thought for a minute I'd forgotten your Anniversary. Glad I still have time.

    Anxious to see you soon.
    ~Mom / Cheri~
