Sunday, August 29, 2010


by Ang

Where do I even begin.

I saved Amy for last because I knew this one would be the longest.

I think that if you are fortunate enough to have a sister and are fortunate enough to have a GOOD sister, than your life will feel more complete than most.
My sister and I have always been close (I think I’ve said that about all of my family members, but it’s true!). We are 2.5 years apart. We were close enough in age to play with each other as children. Yes, we fought at times, but that’s to be expected. We played dolls, house, we played in the backyard and ran through the sprinkler with the neighbor kids, we put on plays for our parents, we rode bikes, we did just about everything.

As we got older and when she became a teenager, we fought even more….but we also got closer. If that makes any sense at all. I hate to say we had a love/hate relationship, but in a way, we did. We fought all the time, but when she came home from hanging out with friends (or a date!) I would crawl into bed with her and she would share all of the details with me and we would talk and laugh. I looked up to her (and still do).

When she got married and moved, I missed her like crazy. I couldn’t believe she was gone! She wasn’t that far away, but I was only 15 (which is such a hard age as it is) and couldn’t drive yet. When I finally did get my license I was able to visit her. But she just felt so far away. It’s a big adjustment living your whole life with someone and then all of the sudden they are gone!

When she got pregnant with nephew #1, she lived even further away. But I remember visiting her the most then. I remember going to work with her one day (at the dry cleaners). We went shopping in that small Iowa town, we watched movies, I helped her cook dinner when my brother-in-law got home from work. We had fun times.

After nephew #1 was born, they moved back a little closer to home, so we got to see them even more. It was great! 5.5 years later, nephew #2 was born. Amy invited my mom and I to be in the room to see him born (along with my brother-in-law, of course!). It was one of the most amazing things. Amy was strong and made it look incredibly easy. I was so proud of her.

About 5 years later, I moved to the same town as her. I was going through a rough time and she helped me through it. Being that close to her and the family was like therapy. I was always included. I helped Amy when she was having people over, or hosting a gathering or party of some sort. We planned things together, like Little Miss A’s shower. I seen her at least 2-3 times per week, if not more than that and we talked almost every day. She took care of me when I needed it the most. She was always checking up on me, helping me with anything I needed and just BEING there.

She threw me an AMAZING Paris-themed shower. She helped me plan my wedding. She opened her home for our wedding, which was beautiful and perfect. I know it was sooooo much work for her, but she did it without hesitating. I think back on our wedding now, and it really was perfect. Everything was so beautiful. It was small, intimate, and I love that I was married at a place that I love. We have had so many good times in their house, and I have nothing but good memories there.

We have traveled A LOT together. California (multiple times). Missouri. New York. Wyoming. Florida. Minnesota. Alaska. Costa Rica. France. The Netherlands. Those are the ones just off the top of my head. I’m sure there’s more! We have had just incredible times together. Eating crepes underneath the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Touring Anne Frank’s house in sad silence in Amsterdam. Swimming in the Pacific off the coast of Costa Rica. Kayaking (while laughing incredibly hard) off the coast of Costa Rica. Shopping at the Mall of America in Minneapolis. Catching huge fish in Alaska. Driving around San Diego in my uncle’s truck in rush hour traffic wanting to laugh and cry at the same time. Soooo many traveling memories, which I will never forget. I think we’re pretty good travel partners, so I know our traveling adventures are far from over.
I miss her terribly. We are 900 miles apart. I am so thankful for email (neither one of us really like talking on the phone). We email almost every day, so we can keep up to date on everything (including the little things). But I still can’t wait until I get to see her again!!

There’s a part in the movie ‘The Other Boleyn Girl’ where Queen Anne is about to be beheaded. Her sister Mary goes to the King to plead for Anne’s life. The King asks Mary why she is there for her sister. And she says “Because she is my sister, and therefore one-half of me”. That is how I feel about Amy. Every time I hear that line, I think of my sister. She is a part of me, and without her I don’t know what I would do. She is a best friend. A confidant. She is someone that I genuinely try to be more like. She is so giving of herself and her time and has a care and concern for others that most people lack. She is an excellent mother, wife, daughter, aunt, and SISTER. I feel very fortunate that she’s mine!

(p.s. – do the pictures meet your approval Amy? I left all of the embarrassing ones out, because I know you have plenty of awful ones of me). :)

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