Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Four Eyes

By Amy

When I was little I wanted eye glasses. I thought they were so cool and was envious of anyone who had them. So I was thrilled when the nurse at school sent home a slip with me saying I should get my eyes checked. Mom took me to the eye Doctor, which was a little scary for a 8 year old. But I survived and picked out the most perfect pair of glasses I could find. I couldn't wait to go to school with them on.

When I look at this picture, it makes me sad. Besides the fact that my glasses look like they are upside down and clearly the wrong shape and color for my face, this picture is the beginning of the end. The end of perfect eyesight. My eyes got worse every year until I was legally blind. Fortunately I was able to get contacts when I was 14 which saved what little dignity that Junior High had left me with. As I grew older I didn't mind glasses so much and would often leave the contacts in there case out of pure laziness. Until. Until I got Lasik. If anyone has had Lasik you know what a miracle it really is. I laid down on the table blind. In 15 minutes I got up and I could see. A little foggy but I could SEE!!! My eyes are almost perfect. 20/15 in one and 20/30 in another.

Bad eyesight is hereditary. My dad passed it on to me, my sister and my brother. Thanks dad! My husband has perfect eyesight. Well, not perfect anymore. He is starting to need reading glasses at night. But that's just cuz he is old. Ha ha!

I figured my kids had a 50/50 shot of having perfect vision. When my first born hit 8 I held my breath. I kept testing him while we were driving.
"Do you see that billboard over there? What does that sign say?"
Every year I would wonder, would this be the year I get a note from the nurse? Now he is 14 and still has perfect eyesight. I know he could still need glasses at some point. I just don't worry about it as much.

A few months ago my youngest started complaining of headaches during and after school. I thought he was just being lazy. Because he is lazy. But then he would complain even when he was with his friends. Or doing something fun. So I took him to the eye Doctor to RULE IT OUT. Unfortunately he has my genes.

He is 8. Same age as I was. There are two differences though. One, I was near-sighted. He is far-sighted. And two.....

He looks super cute in his glasses!

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