Friday, August 27, 2010

Ohhh! Awww! Ugg!

By Amy
I have three rules of fashion:

1) I wear clothes that cover my stomach fat

2) I wear clothes that don't embarrass my children

3) I try to dress modestly

That's it. I would say I go for comfort but that's not really true. Because if it's cute and obeys the rules then I will wear it even if it causes pain. I am not into labels or name brands. Although I find that when I am shopping I always am drawn to the more expensive rack. Which is unfortunate because I don't have the money for the expensive rack.

Remember when the boot brand "Uggs" were all the rave? When I saw them I thought, "what a ugly boot. Who would pay that much for a ugly boot?" But then.......but then. I tried one on. Have you ever tried one on? It's like your foot is enveloped in your most favorite pillow. The pillow that you never leave home without when traveling and it comforts you every time you hit the hay. That's what these boots feel like. However.....the price. It was to steep for me. So I resolved that I would never own a pair. Until........I went shopping with my boss in Jackson Hole. We went into this fur shop. The ladies we were with scattered and oohh and awwed over all the pricey furs, while I wondered around trying to blend in knowing that I didn't blend in. But then I heard the sweet sound of my bosses voice, "Amy, come look at these Uggs! Do you have a pair?" And that is all she wrote.

They are still ugly. Even though I think the button makes them a little cuter. But I don't care. I almost can't wait for winter so that I can wear them. And I'm not embarrassed to say that I have worn them around the house. In my shorts. (:
Have a nice weekend!

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