Monday, April 13, 2009


By Amy

I thought I'd take a break from the regularly scheduled program of cleaning, laundry and scrapbooking and take a peak of what is going on outside. It's a pretty night tonight and the boys were in a competitive game of HORSE.

Well not really to competitive because one is twice the size of the other. But he is kind and let's the little one shoot from any point. He's a good big brother. Most of the time.

Where is the hubby? My oldest mumbled something about the shed with the Nova. Let's take a look.

Hello handsome. What's going on here?

It seems that he is figuring out how to put the roll cage that he tore out of the car, back into the car. My youngest, never far from our sight, demonstrates how it will look when finished.
I concluded that I need to get out of the house more often. I just never know what I will find.

1 comment:

  1. ME,
    I thought maybe you would join the game of horse or model the roll cage? Too bad, but the boys(even the handsome one) look good. Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday.
    Is Paris still on your mind?(Auvoir!sp.?)

    Love to you all,
    Dad & Grandpa
