Friday, March 27, 2009

Aching Feet but Happy Hearts

By Amy & Ang

(The entrance to the Louvre)

We had a big day today! First up was the Louvre. It was incredibly huge. We focused on seeing the famous stuff and left it at that.

(no caption needed)

(Venus de Milo)

(one of the many gorgeous hallways)

After that we took the metro to Sacre Coeur in Montemarte. It is the highest point in Paris and you can see most of the city from there.

(Sacre Coeur or "Sacred Heart")

(Ang and Amy overlooking the city)

Next up we met some realitives of our friend at a little french resturant. The food was incredible. Our favorite part was dessert!

(tarte au pomme or "apple pie")

Tomorrow is Versailles. Expectations are high and we have heard we will not be disappointed.


  1. Love the pictures! But, how do we know you aren't still in Dallas with postcards behind you! Let us see a Newspaper with the date!!!

    Awesome experience!

  2. Grandma Elaine requests a dessert of your choice to bring back for her! Thank you till you are better paid!
    Uncle Steve asks what happened to the arms of Venus(he's am arm man! or fetish?
    Dad is having a wonderful time in San Diego and the weather here is much nicer than where you are at but I still send my love and wish I was with you!
