Sunday, May 30, 2010

How does my Garden grow

By Amy

Remember last years garden? It was very small. And I crammed eight tomato plants in a tiny space. And they grew into a mini jungle. So this year I thought...Bigger is Better! So I (my son) dug a bigger space for me. But it took him FOREVER. He finally finished but it still needed to be tilled. My husband has to do that because the tiller we have is a animal. My husband is wrapping up a big job and didn't have time. I became very impatient. So I just went ahead and planted some stuff. The soil is kind of.....hard and clumpy. I have a row of corn, cherry tomato plants, regular tomato plants, eggplant and peppers. And then near the back I have some squash, watermelon and maybe some sunflowers? It's the most disorganized garden you have ever seen. And the stuff in the back I didn't even mark and just kind of threw the seeds down. The chances of this garden actually producing anything is very very slim. I will actually be shocked if my tomato plants even make it. They look a little sick already.
That green stuff that you see? That's grass. I'm almost certain that that isn't supposed to be in a garden. I'm also certain that you should not use the word "that" twice in a row. (:
I'll keep you posted!! If we actually get something edible out of this I will be able to say without a doubt that ANYONE can grow food.

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